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Tourist Road fully reopen after $1 million landslide works

Mt Baw Baw’s Tourist Road has fully reopened ahead of the upcoming snow season.

Mt Baw Baw’s primary access route, the Baw Baw Tourist Road has fully reopened to two lanes of traffic after works were recently completed by Regional Roads Victoria.

The Tourist Road received substantial damage during October 2022 after heavy rain fell around Mount Baw Baw and Tanjil Bren. Further slips occurred along the steep section close to Tanjil Bren township in 2023 with works to repair the damage commencing in February 2024.

Mount Baw Baw’s Tourist Road at the landslip site after repairs

Access to Mt Baw Baw had been limited to the South Face Road and more recently to one-lane with lights installed at the work site.

“The reopening of the road is great news for residents of Mt Baw Baw and Tanjil Bren as well as those that will be visiting Mt Baw Baw this snow season” said Sally Brook, Mt Baw Baw’s Visitor Experience Manager.

The $1 million works were funded through the Victorian Government’s Flood Recovery Package set aside for the events around October 2022.

The Tourist Road is the primary access route to Mt Baw Baw Alpine Resort, Melbourne’s closest ski and snow resort and is fully sealed. Guests can also access the Resort via the South Face Road and Erica and through the scenic drive through Willow Grove.

Further details:

Resort contact:
Accessing Mt Baw Baw: By Car, By Train, By Bus
Regional Roads Victoria: Press Release

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